Services we offer
We offer different types of counselling services for both therapists and clients. Individuals may have different needs and preferences when it comes to therapy, and having multiple counselling services available can help to ensure that we are able to provide the best possible support for everyone looking to engage with mental health services.

Mind Sense Therapy
At Mind Sense therapy we work with a wide range of clients, including:
– Individuals
– Couples
– Insurance companies
– Health providers
– Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)
We also offer supervision for practitioners, organisations, employees, and student therapists.
Our client-focused, professional and ethical service is as individual as the person we are working alongside. We provide a safe environment to explore issues, to develop understanding, to learn, grow and flourish, overcoming the challenges that life presents. We never forget that everyone’s experience is unique, whatever the issue our therapists have the knowledge and experience to help.

Community Counselling Service
Are you looking to engage with a counsellor but are concerned about the cost? if so The Community Counselling Service (available at both Rochdale Therapy Centre and Shaw Therapy Centre) may be the ideal solution.
Community Counselling Service is managed and overseen by an experienced supervisory therapist, with therapy sessions provided by a small team of specially selected mature student counsellors undertaking their final stages of study. This managed service means all clients looking for support initially engage with the supervising counsellor to ensure the service and therapists are best placed to help.
The service is provided at a cost of just £25.00 per session.
For further information or to register with us, please click on the button below.

Training Academy
A you considering a career in counselling or simply looking to broaden your skill base to help in your current profession, the Training Academy based at our affiliate centre Shaw Therapy Centre provides SEG (previously known as ABC) accredited training course. Everything from a Level 2 ‘Counselling Concepts’, a thirty-hour, 10 week course, through to both Level 3 ‘Certificate in Counselling skills’ a twelve month course, to Level 4 ‘Diploma in therapeutic Counselling’, a two year course. The Training Academy specialise in student focused learning, with small focused classes running inside an active counselling environment.